Powering chemistry with sunlight


 June 6th 2024

Our collaborative transdiciplinary paper "An anthropocene-framed transdisciplinary dialog at the chemistry-energy nexus" has found a home in Chemical Science: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2024/sc/d4sc00099d 

Check it out!

May 29th 2024

The first plenary meeting of the second year of our EIC project ELOBIO took place in UCLM, Ciudad Real, Spain.

All the partners shared exciting progress towards the understanding, conception and assembly of an efficient electrolyzer for the joint production of green hydrogen and value-added organic compounds.

May 25th 2024

Three new projects involving our team have bee funded, and will start in the Fall of 2024

1 PhD and 1 postdoc positions are still available in our group to develop these thematics!

April 5th 2024

Clément presented a poster on our recent work at the Ecatalytix event, dedicated to operando X-rays and electronic techniques for electrocatalysis in Strasbourg, France.

March 11th 2024

The work of Clément, Cyril, Maxime, Loïc and Lou on furfural hydrogenation is out in ACS Catalysis: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acscatal.3c05691!

Congratulations to the authors!

 February 1st 2024

Camille Tabaries  is joining the team as a 6-month Master student intern from the University of Toulon, France.  She will be working on the electrocatalytic valorization of CO2 to methanol in the framework of the ERANET NEXTCCUS project.

Welcome Camille!

January 15th 2024

The result of our fruitful transdiscplinary work with colleagues in chemistry and social sciences is available as preprint. Take a look at the manuscript "An anthropocene-framed transdisciplinary dialog at the chemistry-energy nexus" on ChemRxiv here: https://chemrxiv.org/engage/chemrxiv/article-details/65983bb5e9ebbb4db980fa55 

Check it out!

November 20th 2023

Our preprint entitled "Electrocatalytic Hydrogenation of Furfural with Improved Activity and Selectivity at the Surface of Structured Copper Electrodes" is available on ChemRxiv here: https://chemrxiv.org/engage/chemrxiv/article-details/655a04fcdbd7c8b54b94d2fe

Check it out!

October 27th 2023

In the framework of the PHC SIAM project "Sustainable Development of 2D Catalysts from Biomass for CO2 Reduction and Bio-Oil Deoxygenation", a visit of Nanotec (Thailand Science Park, Bangkok) was organized for three CNRS scientists including Mathieu Prévot.

The day was split between a conference aiming at discussing possible avenues of strenghtening research partnerships between Thaïland and France, and a visit of the research facilities at Nanotec. This led to productive exchanges about biomass and CO2 valorization, two research fields actively investigated both at Nanotec and Ircelyon.

More information here.

September 18-22nd 2023

Cyril Hachemi and Mathieu Prévot participated in the Solar2Chem Conference, in Tarragona, Spain. Cyril presented a poster on his work, regarding the development of novel oxide absorbers for photoelectrochemical applications.

September 13th 2023

The second plenary meeting of our EIC Pathfinder Challenge project ELOBIO has taken place in Lyon. During the meeting, fruitful discussions around the first results of the project between the partners resulted in the establishment of a roadmap for the coming months. 

September 8th 2023

Mathieu Prévot presented our recent results on electrocatalytic furfural valorisation with a talk entitled: "Electrocatalytic valorization of biomass-derived furfural on structured Cu electrodes" at the 74th ISE Meeting in Lyon, France

September 1st 2023

Clément Spadetto is joining the team as a PhD student after graduating from the Ecole Centrale de Lille and the Université Libre de Bruxelles with a joint degree. He will be working on the electrocatalytic valorization of biomass-derived platform molecules and conduct mechanistic investigations with mass sprectometry.

Welcome Clément!

January 12th 2023

Our EIC Pathfinder Challenge project ELOBIO offically started, you can check the project website at https://elobio.cnrs.fr/

November 22th 2022

ELOBIO is the 100th EIC Pathfinder project !

October 25th 2022

A European consortium led by our host institution has been granted funding from the European Innovation Council through the EIC Pathfinder Challenge "Novel routes to green hydrogen production".

The ELOBIO project  consortium will investigate the feasability of combining green H2 production and oxidative biomass valorization and work on the design and optimization of membraneless lab-scale electrochemical cell prototypes to perform this process. The project will start on January 1st 2023.

October 1st 2022

Cyril Hachemi is joining the team as a PhD student after receiving an Engineer degree from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier  and first research experience at Deakin University, in Australia . He will work on the design and preparation of novel photoelectrode materials and their investigation by means of advanced spectroscopic methods.

Welcome Cyril!

June 26th 2022

Two projects involving our team have been succesfully funded by the ANR AAPG 2022!

NACELL: a project aiming at developing new operando cell for NAP-XPS study of catalysts

MEGOPE: a project aiming at developing operando mass spectroscopy for the monitoring of the electrocatalytic conversion of biomass-derived compounds

Open positions coming soon!

June 5th 2022

Our contribution to the book "Design and Applications of Hydroxyapatite-Based Catalysts" can be found in Chapter 11: Electrocatalysis and Photocatalysis Using Hydroxyapatite-Based Materials.

ISBN: 978-3-527-34849-7

May 2nd 2022

Jérôme Capitolis is joining the team as a postdoctoral researcher, after doing is PhD in LCMCP under the direction of Clément Sanchez, and a first postdoc at the INL in Lyon. He will work on the NEXTCCUS project and develop electrocatalyst for the conversion of CO2 to methanol in zero-gap electrolysers.

Welcome Jérôme!

March 14th-18th 2022

Join us at the winter school CatEnerchem: Catalysis at the Energy-Chemistry Nexus!

We will discuss with international experts (scientists, economists, sociologists, philosophers) of what it takes to decarbonate the chemical industry. Exciting program!

Website: https://catenerchem.cpe.fr/

February 15th 2022

Maxime Nouaille-Degorce is joining the team for 6 months as a Master student to work on the SOLBIOCHEM project. 

He will develop and study electrocatalysts for the valorisation of biomass-derived furfural.

Welcome Maxime!

February 12th-13th 2022

Come and visit our CNRS booth at the Yggdrasil festival "Demain mais en mieux"!

This is a great opportunity to casually chat with scientists in a great setting to learn about or work and ask us all your questions about new energy models, chemical production and the energy transition!

Don't miss the opportunity to meet with some of the major french actors of science in Lyon!

Webstite/tickets: https://demainmaisenmieux.festivalyggdrasil.fr/